Moonshots Program
Roundtable in groups of relevant innovators
Match with 5 other founders, investors, and business owners according to industry, business type, revenue stage, and growth goals to discuss your questions and obstacles, make friends, and help each other level-up.
My 6-week goal is to raise $300k so that I can accelerate my company's growth
My 6-week goal is to raise $300k so that I can accelerate my company's growth
Annie Granville
Founder, Proceptual
Growth Goal
Sell $20,000
in new business
Growth Goal
Complete 3 LinkedIn Learning courses
Program Details
Entrepreneurship can be a lonesome experience. Your personal friends don’t understand, your family wonders why you do it, your significant other gives you grief. Who do you turn to for peer support, resources, and guidance? Your Astronomic crew—that’s who.

Match with local founders by industry, business type, revenue stage, and growth goals. Share your questions and bottlenecks. Help each other level-up

Your Moonshot crew is your extended wisdom council for advising your success and helping you overcome barriers to astronomical growth.
How it works
  • 6-person teams
  • Match by business type, revenue stage, and growth goals
  • Meet for 1hr biweekly
  • Confidentiality enforced
  • No egos, no promotions, no spam
Extensive user testing has revealed that 6-person teams are the optimal number for group participation, accountability, and focus. A regular small-group meeting provides the ideal timeframe to deliver a healthy dose of value for entrepreneurs' busy schedules.
Chris Beaman
Chris Beaman
CEO at Astronomic
Network members
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Founders from dozens of Austin businesses participate in Astronomic Network.
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Astronomic Network
What’s included
  • Meet other founders and investors
  • Foster meaningful connections
  • Ask questions, hear feedback
  • Navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship
  • Level-up your skills
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